Sunday, 10 April 2016


Simple Guide to biss decryption (Finding Keys)
Finding Biss Keys is very simple if we use the right tools.

Tools to decrypt Biss keys.

1- CSA Rainbow Table Tool version 1.15 (i find it better than 1.16).
you can get it from here

2- Nvidia graphic card with cuda support, in that link all nvidia cuda support cards

3- Chain files, it takes long time to download the more the files the less time and the higher chance to get keys, 48 Gig will make you have a 70% chance to get keys in short time, 192 Gig will make the chance 99% in getting keys in almost 5 minutes. (will post links to chain files)

4- High definition satellite card, and Progdvb to record a TS file for the channel we need to decrypt then we run CSA Rainbow program to decrypt the biss kiy
in this link is a how to record a TS file.


as in the image above the program is divided to parts

Settings :

you will find the graphic card type

Calc Chains :

we use it to make new chains while the computer is idole, the more chains we have the better chances to decrypt the biss kiy

Add to Rainbow Table :

in chain dir we choose the directory with chani files, then we push the MERGE which will generate an RBT file the program will use to look for the kiy inside.
every time we add a new chain we push merge to include it in the RBT file.

Search Crypt8 in TS

in TS File we point to the recorded ts file we recorded
in PID we type the Video PID of the channel
then we push start
the program will show more than a crypt8 kiy, we choose the one with higher count
Crypt8 will look like that 34 68 ab e5 f6 67 89 a2

Search CW

in Crypt8 we paste the one we got before
in RBT Dir we point it toward our RBT file we generated earlier out of merging chains
push START and wait, the bigger the RBT file the less time you will wait

in CW you should find the biss kiy after waiting.